About Mrs. Roy

My name is Erin and I am the school adjustment counselor for Heights Elementary School.  I started working at Heights six years ago as the milieu specialist and eventually as one of the social workers for the Team Based Learning (TBL) program housed here in the school.  This is my second year as the full-time adjustment counselor.  I am also the 504 Coordinator/Liaison for Heights.  Both my undergraduate and graduate degrees are in social work.  Prior to the education system, I was a social worker/supervisor for the Department of Children and Families for fifteen years.  Working with children is my passion and I am so grateful that I get to support your children towards their goals!  Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.  I look forward to working with the school community!


Erin Roy, MSW, SAC

School Adjustment Counselor

Heights Elementary


781-784-1595, ext 3232

What is a school adjustment counselor?

A School Adjustment Counselor is dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of students within a school. Sometimes, this position is called a School Social Worker. School adjustment counselors meet one-on-one with at-risk students, or with groups of students.  At times, the counselor will provide social emotional lessons to classrooms in conjunction with the classroom teacher.  In addition, students have full access to the counselor any time they are in need, whether it’s one time only or short term check-in services.